[Doodle] W3C MiniApp Ecosystem CG Call

Hi MiniApp CG participants,


During our last group call, we discussed the possibility to move the Call
time so as to make it tolerable for participants from more time zones. 

It seems the evening of Beijing, afternoon of EU, morning of US east coast
and a bit early morning of US west coast is the only possibility to cover
everybody who have participated. 

Here are 2 specific time slots. 

20:00 Beijing, 13:00 London, 08:00 New York, 05:00 San Francisco
21:00 Beijing, 14:00 London, 09:00 New York, 06:00 San Francisco


Please provide your feedback on Doodle [1] before June 5th so that we can
announce the new time for June CG call. 


[1] https://doodle.com/poll/4cbczmfb2fybxsxg 



Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2020 10:30:00 UTC