[Minutes] MiniApps CG Meeting (Charter Discussion), 18 June


CG members discussed the draft charter for the MiniApps Working Group, 
and the meeting records are available online:


[Draft] MiniApps Working Group Charter

1. Scope:
* expand the scope with the addition of a template mechanism
* communicate with TAG about the relation between MiniApp and Web
* improve wordings
* remove the 'Out of Scope' description

2. Deliverables & Timeline
* add 'we will add new deliverable in-scope without rechartering'
* aim to launch the WG in 2020-10
* (guesstimate) FPWD in 2021-03

3. Success Criteria
* pending on further discussion about testing policy

4. Coordination
* add MiniApps CG, DID and WebApps Security Working Groups for 
additional tech coordination
* to determine whether to add WICG

5. Participation & 6. Communication
* create a new GitHub repo for the Working Group

7. Decision Policy
* make sure to use the latest Patent Policy

* Mapping: remove Maps API for now
* Work mode: to make rules about group consensus more clear

* to call for group review and consensus on the updated draft charter
* then to bring the charter to W3C review process


Received on Monday, 22 June 2020 01:48:32 UTC