MiniApp Standardization White Paper version 2

The MiniApps WG has published a new version of the MiniApp Standardization White Paper:

This document introduces a new format for mobile applications, named MiniApp, which is a very popular hybrid solution relying on Web technologies but also integrates with capabilities of native apps.

This document was maintained by the Chinese Web IG[1], and now it is maintained by the MiniApps WG[2].

Significant changes include:

* Added new case studies for IoT and TV
* Added new features like login, subpackaging, and add-ons
* New sections about current work in the MiniApps WG and CG
* New section about MiniApp Standardization in the globe
* Updated the API comparison table

Please review the draft, and send any comments to the public-miniapps-wg mailing list, <>, or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the MiniApps WG,


Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 00:56:07 UTC