Confirmed Event: MiniApps WG conf-call (Apr 29th)

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 MiniApps WG conf-call (Apr 29th) Confirmed 


  29 April 2021, 20:00  - 21:00 Asia/Shanghai 



 [  MiniApps Working Group ]( "MiniApps Working Group Calendar") 

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### 1. Status review of existing deliverables (against FPWD plan)

### 2. Issues & PR discussion

#### Manifest

- [i18n](
- [Processing algorithms](

#### Packaging

- Names mentioned in the spec

### 3. Next teleconference time

### 4. AOB

- [TPAC early planning](

Joining Instructions

  Instructions are restricted to meeting participants.

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### Groups

- [MiniApps Working Group]( ([  View Group Calendar](


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Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2021 01:09:22 UTC