ANN: nxml-uxml for Emacs

nxml-uxml provides an Emacs minor mode which modifies the parser of
nXML mode to forbid syntax which is disallowed in MicroXML. All other
features of nXML should be unaffected, including RELAX NG-driven
validation and autocomplete etc.

This probably isn’t an ideal solution long-term for editing MicroXML,
but it’s handy until someone comes up with something else.

It’s available as of today from MELPA, and you can check out the
source code at <>.

dpk (Daphne Preston-Kendal) ·· 12107 Berlin, Germany ··
‘Almost all Unix programmers have strayed from the path of austerity
 and minimalist virtue enough to normally use editors that at least
 present a roguelike, screen-oriented interface.’              — esr
‘Ah, yes, editors with random levels, permadeath, and ASCII monsters.’
                                                      — Mark D. Hughes

Received on Sunday, 30 January 2022 20:14:07 UTC