Re: A really micro schema language

On 17/01/2013 16:59, David Lee wrote:
> --------------
> Exchanging typed data makes sense to me. Doing it by reducing all the 
> data to text, and then sending the type information separately in 
> another document, to be matched up with the serialized instance by 
> means of a complex parsing process, doesn't make much sense at all. If 
> you want to send typed data, the type information should be embedded 
> in the instance.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica
> -------------------
> Curious, Michael.
> Do you feel this same way about XSD being used to encode type 
> information for "regular" XML ?
It's a solution, but if we were starting again I think we could do a lot 

My view of both XML and XSD is that both are extremely useful but very 
far from perfect.

Michael Kay

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2013 18:15:08 UTC