Re: data model

Stephen D Green scripsit:

> Haven't there already been several different abstract data models
> put foward for XML? 

Yes, but XML is a complex standard and there are lots of things which might
be of interest.  The XML Infoset is an attempt to give standard names to
some of those things, though there are plenty more which are left out.
The PSVI could be used to report DTD information, but nobody does.

MicroXML is so trivial that it's not very interesting to provide alternative
data models.  You could, for example, leave out attributes, but it's simpler
just to ignore them if you don't care about them.  Similarly, you could report
on lexical minutiae, but there are only a few: single vs. double quotes
and whether character references are used are the only ones I can think of.

> Can't we have parsers for MicroXML which support a variety of data
> models?

In principle, I suppose, but to what purpose?  MicroLark supports push
parsing (SAX-style), pull parsing (StAX-style), and tree building, but
only one data model, namely that there is one element object for each
element in the document, and it contains a name (a string), an attribute
map from names to strings, and a sequence of children which are either
strings or element objects, all of which must be reported.

> I also came across mention of 'compounds' as an alternative
> abstract data model for XML - may a parser not implement such if
> it wants to claim to be conformant? 

The MicroXML data model is a simple subset of the compound model.
To represent MicroXML in the obvious way, you'd have two kinds of
compounds, element compounds and textual compounds.  An element compound
has a STRING representing the element name, a TAG marking it as meta,
a DIRECTORY mapping attribute values (textual compounds) to attribute
values (also textual compounds), a KEY SET containing all the keys in the
DIRECTORY, and a LIST consisting of the children.  A textual compound
has a STRING representing the text, a TAG marking it as a text string,
and an empty DIRECTORY, KEY SET, and LIST.  So a parser reporting these
compounds would fully instantiate the MicroXML data model.

gives a brief explanation of these terms.

John Cowan
Dievas dave dantis; Dievas duos duonos          --Lithuanian proverb
Deus dedit dentes; deus dabit panem             --Latin version thereof
Deity donated dentition;
  deity'll donate doughnuts                     --English version by Muke Tever
God gave gums; God'll give granary              --Version by Mat McVeagh

Received on Friday, 28 September 2012 15:49:33 UTC