Re: Media types

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Rushforth, Peter <> wrote:

> **
> No.
> But even if the 'pushback' referred to in that response does not lead to a
> refusal, what would the point of registering
> */foo+micro+xml be?  The foo+micro part would be overlooked even by an
> idealized RFC 3023 mime processor
> which punted to the +xml portion of the subtype.  If you registered a
> type=foo parameter,
> and a processor did not understand that parameter, you would get micro+xml
> as a fallback,
> and if that didn' work +xml as the fallback, at least that's my
> interpretation of the idealized situation.
> All that said, I've never seen (nor looked for, actually), a processor
> which supported the +suffix
> fallback behaviour.  Browsers don't.

I agree with this last bit, but I also don't think it says anything about
how we should standardize.  A fallback to "application/i-can't-handle-this"
is the same as it would be under the different schemes you have proposed,
so we might as well utilize the best engineering we can in the spec .
 There is nothing wrong with the *user* choosing to just use
application/xml for now, to suit present-day processors, because it would
be technically correct.  The microxml forms of media type would be one for
the future no matter how you slice it.

Uche Ogbuji             
Founding Partner, Zepheira

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 21:50:25 UTC