Re: Syntax notation for the spec

James Clark scripsit:

> Another possibility would be to use the standard IETF syntax notation,
> ABNF, which is described in its own RFC, RFC 5234.  

I think the lack of expressive power in ABNF means that the spec will
be much more difficult to read if we use it.  It's true that we spend
about a page explaining our notation, but the spec is only six pages
long at present.  We can afford the space.

John Cowan
Original line from The Warrior's Apprentice by Lois McMaster Bujold:
"Only on Barrayar would pulling a loaded needler start a stampede toward one."
English-to-Russian-to-English mangling thereof: "Only on Barrayar you risk to
lose support instead of finding it when you threat with the charged weapon."

Received on Wednesday, 12 September 2012 14:57:06 UTC