Re: 7. Are CDATA sections allowed?

On 09/05/2012 12:47 PM, Michael Kay wrote:
> >All this time I thought xml:base would override the base URI used for 
> resolving external entities.
> It can't. It can only affect the base URI of elements within its 
> scope, and external entity URIs don't appear within the scope of any 
> element.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

I think "external entity" has some special meaning here that isn't 
apparent to me.  I thought that xml:base was made available as a hint 
for a URI resolver resolving relative URIs within a document, and that 
these relative URIs might in turn resolve to something external to the 
document - what David is referring to as an external entity.

-Mike Sokolov

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 16:54:38 UTC