Re: 7. Are CDATA sections allowed?

David Lee scripsit:

> XML does a poor job by defininging *some* (like xml:base) but largely
> because it had to deal with external entities and (like xml:id) because
> it had to be compatible with DTD's.

The xml:base attribute has nothing to do with external entities and doesn't
affect them in any way.  It gives you a universal way to define the meaning
of relative URIs embedded in the document.

There is a general tension between what should be universally recognizable
and what should be left to document-type designers.  XML provides just a
few universals and leaves everything else up to you.

Your worships will perhaps be thinking          John Cowan
that it is an easy thing to blow up a dog?
[Or] to write a book?
    --Don Quixote, Introduction       

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 16:17:36 UTC