Re: 6. Are bare DOCTYPE declarations allowed?

On 4.9.2012 17:30, John Cowan wrote:

> If some HTML5 lawyer can show that MicroXML documents using the HTML5
> vocabularies don't require the doctype to be processed in standards mode,
> or that standards mode vs. quirks mode makes no difference, I'd happily
> stuff doctypes down the oubliette.  

If you will serve MicroXML with XML content type then standards mode is
applied even without having right <!DOCTYPE>.


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail:
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 14:08:29 UTC