Re: > in attribute values; decimal character reference

> > c) XML declaration
> I think that's clearly unnecessary, but point for point:
> 1) The only encoding allowed is UTF-8.
> 2) Versioning this kind of formats just doesn't work, as I have
> discovered the hard way.
> 3) There is no notion of a non-standalone document.

Agreed.  My thinking was that if XML serializers output an XML declaration,
then the XML they output won't be MicroXML anyway, which reduces any
practical benefit we might get by allowing > in attribute values.

I think my preference is now not to allow > in attribute values.  After
all, XML disallows < in attribute values only for symmetry with content
(SGML IIRC allows < in attribute values): it doesn't make much sense to
disallow < in attribute values because it's disallowed in content, but then
allow > in attribute values even though it's disallowed in content.


Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 02:01:04 UTC