Re: Canonical MicroXML

James Clark scripsit:

> The Canonical MicroXML for a document is the unique MicroXML document that

My proposal for this:  "The canonical form of a MicroXML document is the
MicroXML document that" (etc.)

The use of "the" indicates uniqueness.

> Is this worth including in the spec?

I haven't tried, but I think it would fit into the free half-page at the end.
If so, I'd be in favor of it.  (MicroXML is still smaller than JSON.)

John Cowan
It's the old, old story.  Droid meets droid.  Droid becomes chameleon.
Droid loses chameleon, chameleon becomes blob, droid gets blob back
again.  It's a classic tale.  --Kryten, Red Dwarf

Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2012 14:36:29 UTC