Re: Starting point

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 1:27 AM, John Cowan <> wrote:
> James Clark scripsit:
>> - empty element tags increase complexity without increasing expressiveness
>> - XML comment syntax is really verbose/complex/ugly; JSON seems to
>> have managed just fine without comments
> I think both of these, plus NCRs, are reasonable concessions for hand-written
> documents.

I tend to agree.  I would have no problem living without most of the
things we have taken out so far, but if MIcroXML lacked comments,
empty elements and NCRs, I would probably end up using XML for
documents that I authored myself.

Maybe we should add something like "MicroXML shall support the use of
text editors for authoring" as a goal.


Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2012 04:30:14 UTC