Re: A really micro schema language

On Tue, 2012-12-18 at 16:49 +0700, James Clark wrote:
> Here's an idea I was playing around with a while ago.  It relates to the
> PossibleChildren property John mentioned.
> Imagine a really, really simple schema language that
> - uses a non-XML syntax;

I'm not sure I want to do that. Why should I need a second parser when
I've already got microXML and it's supposed to be perfect for this sort
of thing? If not MicroXML, why not JSON?

>  p !/ p
> A p element must not have a p child element.

If you're really going to invent an expression language, !(p / p) is at
least a little clearer. Or, not(p/p) and use a subset of XPath.

Or, almost examplotron-style,


I know CSS selectors have also been mentioned. But they are complex and
hopelessly non-general and ad-hoc, and tend to hard-wire knowledge of
HTML rather too easily.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:

Received on Wednesday, 19 December 2012 04:18:36 UTC