Simple Markup Language Data Model (SMLDM)


On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 2:51 AM, James Clark <> wrote:

> 1. Define the relaxed data model in a separate specification, say, Simple
> Markup Language Data Model (SMLDM). This would
> - define the data model (same as in the MicroXML spec but without the
> constraints on names and data characters)
> - define the JSON syntax
> - define the mapping to the XML infoset
> - explain that it can be used for MicroXML, XML 1.0 (various editions),
> XML 1.0 + XML Namespaces, HTML, Markdown etc
> 2. The MicroXML spec references SMLDM and says that the MicroXML data
> model is SMLDM plus constraints on names and data characters.
> 3. The MicroXML error recovery spec references SMLDM and says that in
> general it produces SMLDM but there's an optional fixup stage that can make
> it comply with the constraints of the MicroXML data model.

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Received on Thursday, 6 December 2012 06:59:31 UTC