Re: Current version of the MicroXML Editor's Draft

Maik Stührenberg scripsit:

> I've noticed that the MicroXML Editor's Draft was updated some days
> ago at John Cowan's web site.

Only to fix a typo (once a copy editor, always a copy editor).  I no
longer consider my draft a live document, just a point of reference for
a future draft.

> b) use the MicroXML Group wiki to maintain the Editor's Draft?

I assume that will happen at some point.

As we all know, civil libertarians are not      John Cowan
the friskiest group around --comes from
forever being on the qui vive for the sound
of jack-booted fascism coming down the pike.           --Molly Ivins

Received on Thursday, 30 August 2012 14:59:13 UTC