Re: xml:* attributes

James Clark scripsit:

> > Why the funky escape sequences instead of \<, \>, etc.?
> The named character reference syntax is not the greatest.

If I had to redesign them, I'd use \L for <, \R for >, \Q for ",
and \A for '.  That way, you only need to escape \ (as \B, say)
if it precedes an L, R, Q, or A, and you can easily write
an escaping routine that *never* double-escapes.

> I don't see XML, HTML and SGML as equivalent here.  I think our
> potential audience is very likely to be familiar with HTML. 

Fair enough.

Normally I can handle panic attacks on my own;   John Cowan <>
but panic is, at the moment, a way of life.
                --Joseph Zitt

Received on Saturday, 18 August 2012 07:41:56 UTC