Re: MicroXML design goals

>> If a consumer needs the features those attributes provide, they should
>> just use xml.
> I guess this is where I put on my selfish hat. I do want to use xml:lang,
> and to a lesser extent xml:space, but I do not want to pay the full cost of
> XML to do so.

Well for me xml:lang is application level thing (as discussed), and
xml:space is only ever really needed to selectively not strip
whitespace when whitespace stripping is performed by the parser, and I
would expect this to be disallowed in the spec anyway.

> If you remove xml:base and xml:id, I think coverage of the other two in
> John's draft is less than half a page.  It's hard to see that as an
> excessive complication.

Again I don't see the need for xml:base and xml:id, both are
application level for me.

In fact it annoys me when xml:id is used because it imposes the spec's
concept of an id... for example I might want to use '12345' for an id,
or a phone number etc.

Andrew Welch

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 15:55:37 UTC