Re: xml:lang was RE: MicroXML design goals

David Lee scripsit:

> Curious, which of the Design Goals supports/suggests the desire to
> allow xml:lang in MicroXML documents ?

That would be #5, "MicroXML shall support the needs of documents, in
particular mixed content."  The language of a human-readable document is
an essential part of its interpretability, and @xml:lang is the standard
way of representing this property.  The same applies to human-readable
strings embedded in data.

In addition, the xml: prefix does not create any interoperability
problems, since it MAY be used without a declaration and MUST NOT be
bound to some other namespace.  Even if we decide to exclude prefixes in
attribute names, we should allow "xml:" by a special rule of the grammar.

"The serene chaos that is Courage, and the phenomenon
of Unopened Consciousness have been known to the        John Cowan
Great World eons longer than Extaboulism."
"Why is that?" the woman inquired.
"Because I just made that word up", the Master said wisely.
        --Kehlog Albran, The Profit   

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 14:39:07 UTC