CFP: 3rd Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts (#MSM2013) at WWW2013



     3rd Workshop on Making Sense of Microposts (#MSM2013)
                     at WWW 2013

               13th May 2013. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



Making Sense of Microposts: Big things come in small packages

Microposts (e.g. Twitter status updates, Facebook likes, Google recommends,
Instagram photos, Foursquare checkins) are now primarily published from
mobile devices using platform-specific applications - 2012 saw smart phone
sales surpass personal computers worldwide for the first time. With
increasing capability to interact with social media on the go (using also
other small devices such as tablets and even feature phones), we anticipate
the rate of publication of Microposts to continue to increase. The
consumption of such data is spread across a range of use cases and needs,
from emergency response and crowd tracking, to financial risk forecasting
and political sentiment analysis. In each case it is imperative that we can
make sense of Microposts in order to extract and act upon this useful

#MSM2013 aims to discuss and critique current efforts toward making sense
of Microposts - i.e. information posted on the Web that is small in size
(typically not more than 140 characters per post) and that requires minimal
effort to publish. Naturally, low-effort publishing services that result in
Microposts are popular among users due to their ease of exchange; however,
the increased quantity of new content available comes with a price: low
information content, potential misinterpretation and large quantities to
analyse. The analysis of Microposts therefore represents a major challenge
that needs to be solved in order to help extract what is undebatable
knowledge, and use this to build more intelligent end-user systems.

The workshop will foster discussion about research on how best to analyse
Microposts, given their rate of publication and scale, focusing on: how
information can be gleaned from Microposts, given their noisy nature and
abbreviated format that requires novel methods to glean important
information; how Microposts can be applied in novel contexts, e.g. for
emergency response and crowd tracking; in sentiment and public opinion
assessment; and in the teaching and learning environment.

Microposts are both a technical and a social phenomenon, and the nature of
the challenge related to their treatment is therefore multi-disciplinary.
We continue to promote a multidisciplinary workshop, as achieved in the
past two in the series, by also encouraging social scientists and other
non-Computer Science researchers to submit work that looks at the theories
behind Micropost usage and communication through this medium. The workshop
also encourages demonstration of practical application of the results of
analysis of Micropost data, both within the research community and in
everyday, real-world scenarios.


The workshop will focus on topics including, but not exclusive to, the four
main areas below. The first two concern information extraction and
enrichment using existing and novel algorithms, the third targets research
on Microposts outwith a pure Computer Science perspective, and the last
addresses the application of research on Micropost data.

1. Microposts and Semantic Web technologies
    * Concept and entity extraction from Microposts
   * Modelling Microposts using ontologies
    * Inference from Microposts
   * Microposts and the Web of Linked Data

2. Data Mining from Microposts
    * Network analysis and community detection
   * Influence detection and social contagion modeling
    * Opinion mining and sentiment analysis
   * Content recommendation and link prediction
    * Scalable processing techniques
    * Micropost aggregation and mapping to other content

3. Social and Web Science Studies
    * Attention economics in Micropost systems
   * Political and polemical aspects of Microposts
    * Citizen empowerment through Microposts
   * Community/network analysis of Micropost dynamics
    * Ethics, legal and privacy implications
   * Cultural and regional differences in Micropost publishing

4. Applications
    * Brand management, business analysis / market scanning
   * Collective intelligence
    * Event detection, crowd tracking and geo-location
   * Public consensus & citizen participation
    * Emergency response & health
   * User profiling and expert-finding
    * Discovery of information & people through Microposts
   * e-Learning via Microposts
    * Visualisation of Microposts as a decision support tool


#MSM2013 will host a 'Concept Extraction Challenge' where participants must
label Microposts in a given dataset with the concepts referenced. Existing
concept extraction tools are intended for use over news corpora and similar
document-based corpora with relatively long length. The aim of the
challenge is to foster research into novel, more accurate concept
extraction for (much shorter) Micropost data. A prize will be provided for
the best submission.
Further information on how to enter the challenge is available on the
workshop website.


A keynote address from an invited speaker will open the day. This will be
followed by paper presentations. We will hold a poster and demo session to
trigger further, more in-depth interaction between workshop participants.
New this year, the workshop will terminate with brief presentations of the
outcome of a 'Concept Extraction from Microposts' challenge.


 * Full papers: 8 pages
  * Short and position papers: 4 pages
 * Demos & Posters: 2 pages
  * Mock-up interfaces: 2 page description AND one of:
- storyboard (max A3)
 - video (90 second limit)

  * Challenge extended abstracts: 2 pages
   - classification results captured to a TSV file (detail at

Written submissions should be prepared according to the ACM SIG Proceedings
Template (see,
and should include author names and affiliations, and 3-5 keywords.
Submission is via the EasyChair Conference System, at: Where a submission
includes additional material submission should be made as a single,
unencrypted zip file that includes a plain text file listing its contents.

Each submission will receive, in addition to a meta-review, at least 2 peer
reviews, with full papers at least 3 peer reviews.


Submission of Abstracts: 20 Feb 2013
Paper Submission deadline: 25 Feb 2013
Paper Notification: 13 Mar 2013
Camera-ready (hard) deadline (short & long papers): 03 Apr 2013

Challenge Data release: 17 Jan 2013
Intent to submit to challenge: 03 Mar 2013
Challenge Submission deadline: 17 Mar 2013
Challenge Notification: 31 Mar 2013
Challenge camera-ready deadline: 07 Apr 2013

(all deadlines 23:59 Hawaii Time)

Workshop program issued: 09 Apr 2013
Proceedings to be published by ACM
Workshop - 13 May 2013 (Registration open to all)


Facebook Group:!/home.php?sk=group_180472611974910
Facebook Public Event page:
Twitter hashtag: #msm2013
W3C Microposts Community Group:


Matthew Rowe, Lancaster University, UK
Milan Stankovic, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France
Aba-Sah Dadzie, The University of Sheffield, UK*
Steering Committee & Local Chair:
Bernardo Pereira Nunes, PUC-Rio, Brazil / L3S Research Center, Germany

Challenge Chair:
A. Elizabeth Cano, KMi, The Open University, UK**


Gholam R. Amin, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Julie Birkholz, Vrije University, The Netherlands
Uldis Bojars, University of Latvia, Latvia
John Breslin, NUIG, Ireland
Marco A. Casanova, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro,
Oscar Corcho, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Danica Damljanovic, Kuato Studios, UK
Ali Emrouznejad, Aston Business School, UK
Guillaume Erétéo, INRIA, France
Miriam Fernandez, KMi, The Open University, UK
Fabien Gandon, INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Andrés García-Silva, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Anna Lisa Gentile, University of Sheffield, UK
Jon Hickman, Birmingham City University, UK
Seth van Hooland, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Robert Jäschke, University of Kassel, Germany
Vita Lanfranchi, University of Sheffield, UK
Philippe Laublet, Université Paris-Sorbonne, France
Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield, UK
José M. Morales del Castillo, Universidad de Granada, Spain
Fabrizio Orlandi, DERI, Galway, Ireland
Alexandre Passant, DERI, Galway, Ireland
Danica Radovanovic, Oxford Internet Institute, UK
Yves Raimond, BBC, UK
Guiseppe Rizzo, Eurecom, France
Harald Sack, University of Potsdam, Germany
Bernhard Schandl, University of Vienna, Austria
Sean W. M. Siqueira, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,
Andreas Sonnenbichler, KIT, Germany/SS
Raphaël Troncy, Eurecom, France
Victoria Uren, Aston Business School, UK
Claudia Wagner, Joanneum Research, Austria
Shenghui Wang, OCLC Research, The Netherlands
Katrin Weller, University of Düsseldorf, Germany


Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2013 10:53:53 UTC