Merchant Business group agenda 15/03/2021

Hello everybody


A reminder that we have our next meeting on Monday 15th March at 21h00 on
Zoom - I will recirculate the meeting invitation on the <>  mailing list
should anyone need a reminder of the logistics.


Thanks again to Wendy Seltzer for her inspiring presentation about the work
of the Improving Web Advertising Business Group - I can only dream of the
(nice) challenges that come from having hundreds of group members ;)


Our minutes from the last meeting are here:


One of the things that we thought we might try is to discuss issues that are
affecting merchants right now - new news that's emerged since the last
meeting. If you have any topics that you think are newsworthy, please let me
know and we'll make sure that we discuss them




1.	Recap/Actions
2.	Future content (all)

a.	Working sessions
b.	Panel discussions
c.	Video or podcast content
d.	Other social media outreach

3.	Accessibility primer - update (Nick)
4.	Topics of the day - news from the merchant world (all)

a.	Secure Payment Confirmation
b.	Delegated authentication
c.	Non fungible tokens (or "How to make millions from digitally signed
baseball cards")

5.	AOB



Looking forward to seeing you all


Received on Friday, 12 March 2021 11:05:51 UTC