- From: W3C Calendar <noreply@w3.org>
- Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2021 19:04:15 +0000
- To: Media Working Group <public-media-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <63cf598ee89430292e78074e8322eb8c@w3.org>
[View this event in your browser](https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/b4617921-8be1-47a4-b6e4-4ea975f365bd) Media Working Group Teleconference Upcoming Confirmed ====================================================== 14 September 2021, 21:00 -22:00 UTC [ Media Working Group ](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/media/calendar)### Agenda This agenda can be viewed and updated on [GitHub](https://github.com/w3c/media-wg/blob/main/meetings/2021-09-14-Media_Working_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md). If you would like to add an item to the agenda or volunteer to scribe please open a pull request against this agenda. This time, we have a number of issues related to MSE, and in particular [MSE in Workers](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/175): - [w3c/media-source#184 MSE for WebCodecs (comment)](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/184#issuecomment-720771445). See explainer: <https://github.com/wolenetz/mse-for-webcodecs/blob/main/explainer.md> - wolenetz Explainer describes supporting buffering containerless WebCodecs encoded media chunks with MSE for low-latency buffering and seekable playback. - [w3c/media-source#280 MSE-in-Workers: {Audio,Video,Text}Track{,List} IDL in HTML need additional DedicatedWorker in Exposed](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/280) - wolenetz The extended HTML AudioTrack, VideoTrack, TextTrack, and their \*TrackList IDLs need updating to have exposure to both Window and DedicatedWorker, not just Window. - [w3c/media-source#277 MSE-in-Workers: Consider (eventually) transitioning attached element to error upon termination of MediaSource's worker/what should media element do?](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/277) - wolenetz Should HTMLMediaElement do any error transition upon the termination of the DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope that owns the attached MediaSource? - [w3c/media-source#275 Consider relaxing timing of initial HAVE\_METADATA transitioning](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/275) - wolenetz There is inconsistent behaviour between implementations in the `updateend` event associated with an `appendBuffer()` whose parsing causes a `HAVE_METADATA` state transition. - [w3c/media-source#281 MSE-in-Workers: Track enable/selection change behavior needs clarity](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/281) - wolenetz What to do with selected/enabled track state management if MSE is in a DedicatedWorker, while the HTMLMediaElement remains in Window? - [w3c/media-source#156 Restore auto-revoking behavior of createObjectURL(MediaSource) to revert breaking change introducing memory leaks](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/156) - wolenetz - [w3c/media-source#28 Support attachment (and inspection) of MediaSource to HTMLMediaElement via HTMLMediaElement.srcObject](https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/28) - wolenetz ### Media Working Group Teleconference - 2021-09-14 LocationDate & TimeSan Francisco (U.S.A.)Tuesday, September 14, 2:00 PM PDTBoston (U.S.A.)Tuesday, September 14, 5:00 PM EDTLondon (United Kingdom)Tuesday, September 14, 10:00 PM GMT+1Paris (France)Tuesday, September 14, 11:00 PM GMT+2Tokyo (Japan)Wednesday, September 15, 6:00 AM GMT+9Corresponding UTC (GMT)Tuesday, September 14, 9:00 PM UTC### Logistics Chairs: Jer Noble, Chris Needham Webex: <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-archive/2020Jan/0323.html> IRC: <https://irc.w3.org/?channels=#mediawg> If you are unable to login to view the call details please ask on the IRC before the call. For assistance go to <https://mit.webex.com/mit/mc> and on the left navigation bar, click "Support". Joining Instructions -------------------- Instructions are restricted to meeting participants. You need to [ log in](/accounts/login?redirect_url=/events/meetings/b4617921-8be1-47a4-b6e4-4ea975f365bd/edit) to see them. Participants ------------ ### Groups - [Media Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/media) ([View Calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/media/calendar)) Report feedback and issues on [ GitHub](https://github.com/w3c/calendar "W3C Calendar GitHub repository").
- text/calendar attachment: event.ics
Received on Wednesday, 8 September 2021 19:04:18 UTC