[minutes] Media WG call - 2021-07-27

Hi all,

The minutes from yesterday's Media WG call are here:



* Chairs to confirm decision on WebCodecs call for consensus.

* Following rechartering, WG members should ask their AC representative to re-join the group: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-wg/2021Jul/0014.html

* Media Playback Quality can be transferred to the HTML spec.

* WebCodecs #213 Should ImageDecoder IsTypeSupported be (a)synchronous?, the proposed resolution is to make this async. To be confirmed with the spec editors.

* WebCodecs #239 hardwareAcceleration option, we seemed to align around an optional prefersHardware or prefersSoftware values. To be confirmed with the spec editors.

* Jer introduced the Media Session Coordinator proposal, to enable synchronised playback between devices.


Next meeting: August 10th.

Many thanks,


Received on Wednesday, 28 July 2021 11:16:41 UTC