Re: Rounding with #xywh=percent:25,25,50,50

Dear Philip,

> AFAICT from the archives of this thread the solution that was least
> disliked was rounding outwards:
> x' = floor(x)
> y' = floor(y)
> w' = ceil(x+w) - floor(x)
> h' = ceil(y+h) - floor(y)
> Can we amend the spec to define this before going to REC?

Thanks for the heads up on this. Per the ACTION-252 discussed in the 
telecon before Christmas, this has finally been implemented in the spec 
(revision 1.167). Your suggestion has been taken into account verbatim.
Best regards.


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
2229, route des Crêtes, 06560 Sophia Antipolis, France.
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Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242
Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200

Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2012 09:15:35 UTC