Media Fragments Working Group … 5 to 12 (and call for immediate action!!!)

Dear all,

- As you can see from Philippe's message, our charter will not be extended, which means we have go to Rec before the end of the year (as foreseen).
- Last week we send the transition request to CR to the respective W3C team (we expect the real transitioning after TPAC).

- !!! NOW the Call to Immediate Action !!!! To get to Rec before the end of December, we need to go to PR beginning of December, which means we need the implementation reports on the Test Cases by November 20th !!!
We will contact each of the following partners that have a (partial) implementation to make their test report ready by the 20th of Nov:

* IBBT: Ninsuna (>), Demo:
* Google: Library js for media fragments (, Demo:
* Mozilla: Nightly supporting partially media fragments (, Demo:
* Opera: Built supporting partially media fragments (
* University of Southampton: UK Parliament (, Demo:
* University of Passau / University of Salzbourg: Hypervideo Player and Annotator (, Demo:

We will send another mail to the group to ask for even more implementations out there.

Sincere greetings,

Erik & Raphaël


Begin forwarded message:

From: Philippe Le Hegaret <>
Subject: Media Fragments Working Group
Date: 27 Oct 2011 14:47:31 GMT+02:00
To: Raphaël Troncy <>, Erik Mannens <>
Cc: Thierry Michel <>, Yves Lafon <>

Raphael, Erik,

The Media Fragments Working Group was created in August 2008. The first
public Working Draft was published in December 2009. It has been
extended a first time in February 2010, when the Media Fragments URI was
expected to move to Last Call within 2 months [1]. It moved to Last Call
in June 2010. It was extended again in February 2011 [2], with the
expectation that the Group was going to complete its work in 2011. It's
now the end of October 2011, and the Media Fragments URI specification
is still in Last Call. It seems the Group has lost steam: in the last
two months, only two teleconferences and 30 email in the list. Only one
publication since the previous extension, that's one publication in 8
months. As far as I know, we don't even have a list of the Last Call
comments available.

At this point, I regret to announce that I'm not planning to support an
extension of the Working Group beyond its current charter, meaning the
Group will be closed down after December 2011. We need to reassign team
resources into other priorities and can't afford to keep them in the
Working Group. The Working Group is more than welcome to publish its
work as Working Notes in the remaining time. Feel free to forward this
message to the Working Group mailing list if you wish to. With the
Advisory Committee next week, some Working Group participants may want
to speak with their AC Reps and bring this up during the AC.




Received on Monday, 31 October 2011 13:39:39 UTC