- From: Yunjia Li <yl2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 16:06:47 -0000
- To: "'Thomas Steiner'" <tomac@google.com>
- Cc: "'Davy Van Deursen'" <davy.vandeursen@ugent.be>, "'Erik Mannens'" <erik.mannens@ugent.be>, "'Media Fragment'" <public-media-fragment@w3.org>
Hi Thomas, Thanks for the update of your library. The TC0072-UA is now working. I partially agree on adhering what the input was for NTP times. Then it leaves the job of dealing with specific time format to the actual player based on the video resources. But in my situation, I always have to get the seconds (actually it's milliseconds) in order to set the starting position of the player. So I have to convert npt-hhmmss, npt-mmss and smpte formats to seconds. In the previous version of your library, npt:00:00:03 will be returned as 3(s) and I don't need to do any more process about this information. But if the return of npt format also include npt-hhmmss format, I then have to parse this result to get the seconds. Maybe the best way is to add another parameter to indicate what format you want to return when calling the parse method, such as: MediaFragments.parseMediaFragmentsUri(uriStr, "seconds") This is only my situation and maybe I didn't realise other conditions. I am not sure if Ninsuna Player has similar issue? Regards Yunjia Li PhD Student & Research Fellow Web and Internet Science Group School of Electronics and Computer Science The University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ http://afterglowlee.blogspot.com -----Original Message----- From: Thomas Steiner [mailto:tomac@google.com] Sent: 17 November 2011 14:41 To: Yunjia Li Cc: Davy Van Deursen; Erik Mannens; Media Fragment Subject: Re: Implementation Report for mediafragments.js Hi all, I have fixed the bug where trailing dots in NPT were not recognized properly. On the way I have found two further erroneous test cases, which Davy has corrected already (see the separate thread for that [1]). I have also added SMPTE "start < end" checks, which were not yet contained in the previous release. Again on the way I found that in one test case we had incorrect SMPTE time specifications, Davy has also corrected the test case already (again, in a different thread [2]). In summary, implementation testers might want to have another look at the test cases 1) TC0019-UA 2) TC0026-UA 3) TC0080-UA 4) TC0081-UA Please note that the library used to normalize NPT times like 00:00:10 (hh:mm:ss) to 10 (s), which it no longer does. As @currentTime [3] in <audio> and <video> expects time in seconds, we might default back to the initial normalized behavior, however, with non-NPT time specifications this is not possible, so I thought in order to avoid confusion, I strictly adhere to what the input was, as long it is a valid NPT time. Thought? Best, Tom [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-fragment/2011Nov/0019.html [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-fragment/2011Nov/0037.html [3] http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/video.html#dom-media-currenttime -- Thomas Steiner, Research Scientist, Google Inc. http://blog.tomayac.com, http://twitter.com/tomayac
Received on Thursday, 17 November 2011 16:07:24 UTC