RE: Reminder: Acknowledge your agreement on Disposition of Comments, please

Dear all,

Thank you for having taken into account my comment.
Response acknowledged !


From: Erik Mannens []
Sent: jeudi 3 novembre 2011 15:07
To: Yves Lafon;; DENOUAL Franck;; Thierry Michel; Tobias Bürger
Cc: Raphaël Troncy; Davy Van Deursen
Subject: Reminder: Acknowledge your agreement on Disposition of Comments, please

Reminder 1 (except for Tobias :) ... please acknowledge that we took care of your comments (via a reply to the MF mailing list) !!!



On 02 Nov 2011, at 19:48, Erik Mannens wrote:

Dear all,

As for now, we don't see links to the originator commenter email agreeing with the MFWG proposal, as it is usually done in the Disposition of Comments [1]. Can all six of you please ASAP acknowledge his/her agreement via the MF-mailinglist, so we can formally proceed to CR. Thanks in advance for the prompt reply and have a nice day.


Sincere greetings,

Erik Mannens, PhD

Research Unit Leader - Future Media & Imaging Dept.

Ghent University - IBBT
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Dept. ELIS - MMLab
Gaston Crommenlaan 8 bus 201
B-9050 Ledeberg-Ghent, Belgium

T: +32 9 331 49 93
F: +32 9 331 48 96
M: +32 473 27 44 17

Received on Thursday, 3 November 2011 16:26:45 UTC