Re: minutes of 2011-05-11 teleconference

On 25/05/2011 10:15, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
> 2011/5/18 Davy Van Deursen<>:
>> Silvia,
>> On 18/05/2011 3:18, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>>> Nice work!
>>> I've spotted some remaining occurrences of "id":
>>> section 5.2.3:
>>>    Accept-Ranges: bytes, t, track, id
>>> section 6.2.1
>>>    (i.e., t, xywh, track, and id)
>> Thanks for catching these, I will correct them.
>>> Further on a note that Davy put into 4.2.3 Track Dimension:
>>> "We can also reference the HTML5 Media Multitrack API here, when it's
>>> mentioned in the HTML5 spec. "
>>> ->    yes, we absolutely should
>>> Do you want me to formulate an example?
>> Yes, please do!
> I don't have the latest version of the spec checked out, so I'll post it here.
> HTML5 media has a discovery mechanism for retrieving the track names
> of a media resource through the audioTracks, videoTracks, and
> textTracks IDL attributes of the HTMLMediaElement.
> For example, to discover all the names of the available tracks of a
> video resource, you may want to use the following JavaScript excerpt.
> <video id="v1" src="video" controls>
> </video>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> var video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
> var track_names = [];
> var idx = 0;
> for (i=0; i<  video.audioTracks.length; i++, idx++) {
>    track_names[idx] = video.audioTracks.getLabel(i);
> }
> for (i=0; i<  video.videoTracks.length; i++, idx++) {
>    track_names[idx] = video.audioTracks.getLabel(i);
> }
> for (i=0; i<  video.textTracks.length; i++, idx++) {
>    track_names[idx] = video.textTracks[i].label;
> }
> </script>
> I think this is correct, but would appreciate somebody cross-checking.
I've added this example to the spec.

Best regards,


Davy Van Deursen

Ghent University - IBBT
Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab

Received on Friday, 27 May 2011 07:38:52 UTC