Re: minutes of 2011-05-11 teleconference

Nice work!

I've spotted some remaining occurrences of "id":
section 5.2.3:
  Accept-Ranges: bytes, t, track, id

section 6.2.1
  (i.e., t, xywh, track, and id)

Further on a note that Davy put into 4.2.3 Track Dimension:
"We can also reference the HTML5 Media Multitrack API here, when it's
mentioned in the HTML5 spec. "
-> yes, we absolutely should
Do you want me to formulate an example?

Finally about section 5.2.3 Server triggered redirect:
can I suggest that instead of dropping it we re-set the example to use
"chapters", because that would explain exactly how they are done?

2011/5/17 Davy Van Deursen <>:
> On 14/05/2011 15:54, Raphaël Troncy wrote:
>> Outstanding new ACTIONS:
>> * ACTION-219: Davy to update the specification to reflect the changes
>> regarding the new "chapter" dimension
>> * ACTION-220: Raphael to change the specification to reflect that #track
> Both actions are completed (reviews will be needed because the ID dimension
> was spread all over the spec). Note that Section 5.2.3 [1] was introduced
> for track fragments that resulted in too many byte ranges, a problem that is
> now avoided since track fragments are interpreted locally. Therefore, I
> propose that we drop that section ...
> Best regards,
> Davy
> [1]
> --
> Davy Van Deursen
> Ghent University - IBBT
> Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab
> URL:

Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 01:19:05 UTC