RE: [css3-images] Features Overview

>> How does this behave for formats that contain multiple source resolutions within the same file?
>>  background-image: 
>> url(",30,60,20");

Brad Kemper:
> Suppose we are trying to squeeze into a square that is,
> say. 100px x 100px, and there are three choices:
> 1,000px x 4px, 6px x 1,000px, or 50px x 60px. I think
> I know which I'd choose, but maybe it isn't always clear cut.

Let's assume you have a 100px x 100px div with 0 padding and 0 border-width and the 3 sizes within the same .ico file in your example.

Would your choice the be the same or different for these cases:

(a) background-size unspecified

(b) background-size: 100px 100px; 

(c) background-size: 2px 10px;

(d) background-size: 2px 100%;

(e) background-size: 2px auto;

As it stands today, background-size takes the image intrinsic dimensions as (optional) inputs and round/space takes post-background-size sizing as input.

How far down the rabbit hole do we go for fragments to guess what's most desirable at render time?

Received on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 18:18:13 UTC