Re: Behaviour of Smart UAs vs. UAs that need server help in error cases

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:43 PM, Davy Van Deursen
<> wrote:
> Silvia,
> On 3/05/2011 13:28, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
>> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 9:12 PM, Davy Van Deursen
>> <>  wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> another topic related to the test case discussions ...
>>> The issue is about the case where we have an invalid media fragment URI,
>>> but
>>> that invalidity is only detectable by the UA if it has information
>>> regarding
>>> the source media (see [1] in the spec). For example: media.webm#t=15 and
>>> the
>>> duration of media.webm is only 10s.
>>> Suppose we have a smart UA (i.e., scenario described in [2], only byte
>>> range
>>> requests are used). The smart UA is able to determine the duration of the
>>> media, interprets the media fragment URI, and seeks to the end of the
>>> media
>>> (as discussed in [3]).
>>> So far so good, but what happens when we have a UA using a media
>>> fragments-enabled server (i.e., scenario described in [4], where time
>>> ranges
>>> are used)? The UA does not know the duration of the source media.
>>> Therefore,
>>> it just sends an HTTP Range request to the server:
>>> GET media.webm HTTP/1.1
>>> Range: t:npt=15-
>>> Since the requested time range is invalid, the server answers with a 416
>>> (Requested Range Not Satisfiable), and the UA still doesn't have a clue
>>> about the duration of the media.
>> An intelligent server should inform the UA with every request about
>> the content duration, even if it is an error, shouldn't it?
> Ok, for this example, sending the content duration would work. But consider
> an example for the track dimension: media.webm#track=foo where foo does not
> exist in the source media. The behaviour in this case is to ignore the
> non-existing track fragment and thus playing the entire media resource. This
> means that after receiving a 416, the UA must request the entire resource
> ...

Even then, shouldn't the server inform the UA of the available tracks
and the UA should then not re-do the retrieval action?


> Best regards,
> Davy
> --
> Davy Van Deursen
> Ghent University - IBBT
> Department of Electronics and Information Systems - Multimedia Lab
> URL:

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2011 12:29:28 UTC