Working with HTML WG at TPAC

Hi guys,

along the lines of moving our specifications closer to inclusion into the
browsers, I would strongly suggest that those that will be at TPAC also make
sure to have a presentation at the HTML WG's meeting.

In a recent HTML WG phone conference, the following has been stated about
how the HTML WG will run its meeting at TPAC:

---------- Extract from Forwarded message ----------
Subject: RE: {minutes} HTML WG Telecon 2010-09-23 status of calls, issues
and bugs, TPAC F2F


*HTML WG F2F meeting at TPAC*

*paulc:* thur and fri nov 4/5
... sent a reminder to the wg about this

<*paulc*> See:

<*pimpbot*> Title: RE: HTML WG F2F meeting, Nov 4-5 at TPAC 2010, Lyon,
France from Paul Cotton on 2010-09-22 ( from September
2010) (at

*paulc:* chairs are planning to follow the unconference style again
... the way that works is that we have lightning talks on the first day to
generate topics
... and organise the agenda from there
... plenary is on wed, the day before
... i've been asked to organise a panel on html
... soliciting participants to talk about everything beyond html5
... wg members might be interested in helping
... also sent to a11y tf - some people interested in participating on topics
... also suggested topics related to 3d work outside w3c
... if wg members have topics they are interested in in advance that will
... tpac registration closes in october and there is a daily fee that goes
up drastically after that date
... details in the mail thread
---------- END Extract from Forwarded message ----------

I would thus think a representative of the MF group could give a lightning
talk on the first day to see if there could be a longer discussion later.


Received on Thursday, 23 September 2010 21:55:33 UTC