Re: 206 and extra headers

Hi Slvia, Yves,

> I'm going to have to step back and try and understand this from the
> ground up. This explanation is a bit too dense for me. :-)

Thanks a lot! Your long post helped me to understand the issue :-) In a 
nutshell, I come to the same conclusion than you Silvia, that is:

> I honestly fail to construct a situation where we would use If-Range
> with non-byte-ranges, but please try.

... except for one case, that is perhaps what Yves had in mind: the case 
where the UA has just received the first bytes of the resources that 
allows to decode the media (e.g. section 5.2.1 in our doc). Is it a 
boundary case?

Furthermore, should we write down explicitly in the specification the 
variant that Silvia has just made in case the connexion is broken and a 
If-Range could be used in a subsequent request?


Raphaël Troncy
EURECOM, Multimedia Communications Department
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Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 08:30:44 UTC