Re: time range request/response syntax (Re: minutes of 2009-09-17 F2F meeting, Day 1)

2009/9/18 Raphaël Troncy <>:
>>>  - RESOLUTION: Content-Range <dimension> [':' <unit>] ' ' <real start
>>> time>
>>> '-' <real end time> '/' <total dimension> is the syntax to be used for a
>>> Range Request for the temporal dimension
>> just noticed: only the response header should include the "/<total
>> dimension>" portion, not the request header.
> Yes, since it is the Content-Range header, this is in the response. I have
> updated the RESOLUTION page to clarify that. It now reads:
> * The WG resolved on 2009/09/17 that the syntax for expressing a Range
> request (using the HTTPBis clarification for having custom units), for the
> temporal dimension, is:
>  Range: <unit> '=' <start time> - <end time>
> while the response will be:
>  Content-Range: <dimension> [':' <unit>] ' ' <real start time> '-' <real end
> time> '/' <total dimension>

I think we should be consistent and have the Range request also
contain the dimension, like so:

Range: <dimension>[':' <unit>] '=' <start time> - <end time>


Received on Saturday, 19 September 2009 05:57:14 UTC