ISSUE-1: Combining Media Fragment URI with other time-clipping methods

ISSUE-1: Combining Media Fragment URI with other time-clipping methods
Raised by: Raphël Troncy

Related to ACTION-13 [1] closed by Jack, see the whole thread starting 
at [2], I raise this issue since everything is not crystal clear for me.

I assume that the media fragment is regarded as in-context, that is,,30 will play the fragment between 
the seconds 20 and 30 of this resource, but the user sees the whole 
timeline of the video and can click elsewhere on the slider, thus making 
a new request.

I understand that specifying a time-clipping method, for example in 
SMIL, is relative to the (timeline of the) resource. Therefore, what's 
happened if I have:
<video clipBegin="5s" clipEnd="15s" 
src=",30"/> ?

Scenario 1: the media fragment is completely ignored, the UA plays the 
video segment between the seconds 5 and 15

Scenario 2: the clipping method is done relatively to the media 
fragment, the UA plays the video segment between the seconds 25 (=20+5) 
and 35 (=20+15)

Scenario 3: the clipping method is done relatively to the media fragment 
but bound to the media fragment, the UA plays the video segment between 
the seconds 25 (=max[20,20+5]) and 30 (=min[30,20+15]).

In summary, how do we cover the cases where the media fragment is i) 
encompassing, ii) embedding, iii) disjoint and iv) partially overlapping 
the boundaries of the other time-clipping method?


Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: &
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 12:19:27 UTC