Re: Should we consider the user?

At 20:15  +0200 3/04/09, Raphaël Troncy wrote:
>>a. We standardise that you will always see 100 
>>as the timestamp of the first frame (or a 
>>number slightly lower, because of (1) above).
>>b. We standardise that you will always see 0.
>>c. We specifically state that this is up to the implementation.
>Hum, I have to admit that my first original 
>reaction would be: "as soon as the client has 
>downloaded the fragment bits and saved them in a 
>new file 'myclip.mp4', he has created a *new* 
>resource". Consequently, your solution b) that 
>you have just added for the sake of completeness 
>would be my favorite :-(
>Having said that, and after giving a second 
>thought, I think c) is also a good answer, which 
>is also Silvia's favorite. Definitively not a) 
>that makes no sense for me.
>The rest of the WG, more thoughts?

You only get (a) if the resource has *embedded* 
time-code (e.g. a SMPTE time-code, which can be 
put in tracks in .MOV but not yet in MP4).  But 
that moves it out of our scope and into the 
media, so I agree... :-)
David Singer
Multimedia Standards, Apple Inc.

Received on Friday, 3 April 2009 22:44:40 UTC