YouTube / Google video time offsets

Hi all,

I am in contact with Ken Harrenstien from Google/YouTube about joining
our efforts.

As I tried finding out more about what he does, I came across this
blog post:

Ken was involved with implementation of a time offset scheme into
YouTube videos using URI fragments!!!

The scheme is used for search results when searching captions on
videos. He posted an example of such a search in the blog post - make
sure you turn on "list view" in google video search to see the URIs:
Then you'll get a link called "Start playing at search term" and the
following link:

Notice how the temporal fragment is specified through "#50m16s" ?

I'm sure Ken would be an awesome addition to our group and help
implement whatever we come up with in YouTube.


Received on Tuesday, 21 October 2008 18:46:43 UTC