Summary of decisions at the June 19-20 f2f

This is a summary of what was decided during the meeting for information 
to (and feedback from) those who could not attend. The below (in fewer 
words) was also in the summary slides 
slides 93 and 94).

Related to WebRTC 1.0 specs:
It was decided that in order to allow the core WebRTC 1.0 spec to 
advance and to give more time for experience and implementation feedback 
for features less mature. The extension specifications will be created for:
- Identity: this extension spec should be in CR immediately. The editors 
will be in the group of Ekr, Martin Thomson and Cullen Jennings (noted 
that Cullen was not present in the meeting). Harald will do the first 
cut out from WebRTC 1.0
- Simulcast: this part will also be split out. Will not be in CR from 
day one. Support for SVC will be added (alongside Simulcast). Editors: 
Harald, Sergio, Bernard.
- Streams and extra knobs on datachannel: Editors: Lennart, Randell, 

For webrtc-stats: add ICE & datachannel stats in an extension spec: 
Varun will take care of this.

Webrtc-screen-share: Jan-Ivar and offered to help out editing.

Related to WebRTC NV:

- There was consensus to continue object clean up a la ORTC
- There was consensus to continue exploring a more rich ICE API 
according to the “FlexICE” proposal. Responsible to drive: Peter T
- There was a lot of interest in exploring what opportunities work* 
(workers, worklets) can give. This will be further explored by:
-- Workers: Youenn + Tim (+ Harald)
-- Worklets: Youenn, Randell, Harald, Goran (access to raw media will be 
part of this)
- E2E security: Youenn to do a write up of what was discussed, Sergio 
and DrAlex to help out (NB the write up has already been sent:
- There was not consensus to adopt a QUIC API spec at this time, but the 
question will likely be brought up again at TPAC

Stefan for the chairs

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 05:47:52 UTC