New mediacapture-main Editor's draft (v20170605)


A new dated version of the Editors' draft is available.

Dated version:
Living document:

Changes include:

[#432] Ignore ideal values that don't belong on the device
[#433] Specify the "applyConstraints algorithm" more clearly
[#437] Specify that getSettings omits non-applicable settings
[#442] Add guidance for new MediaStream/MediaStreamTrack consumers
[#449] Remove outdated contraints text
[#445] Add autoGainControl and noiseSuppression constraints
[#456] Add text about alternative ways to obtain local media (e.g. for 
automatic testing)
[#450] MediaStream: allow construction with a given id

Please review and provide feedback.

Adam (for the editors)

Received on Monday, 5 June 2017 08:26:30 UTC