[mediacapture-depth] Pull Request: WIP: WebRTC CI system

vivienlacourba has just submitted a new pull request for 

== WIP: WebRTC CI system ==
Per request from our chairs I'm enabling the [WebRTC CI 
system](https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-respec-ci/) on all WebRTC and 
MediaCapture repos.

This includes some markup fixes.

Tidy still reports an error related to the markup generated by MathJax
 and that was copied to the document source code:
~/W3C/WebRTC/mediacapture-depth • make check
support/tidy-html5/build/cmake/tidy -quiet -config 
webrtc-respec-ci/tidy.config -errors index.html
line 512 column 89 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
line 513 column 42 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
line 611 column 92 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
line 612 column 48 - Warning: trimming empty <span>
webrtc-respec-ci/Makefile:23: recipe for target 'tidycheck' failed

Discussing with Bert, normal use of mathjax is to write formulas in 
mathML, include the matjax js script and let it render the appropriate
 code on the browser.

See https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-depth/pull/147

Received on Tuesday, 29 November 2016 16:57:43 UTC