[mediacapture-record] Merged Pull Request: Follow-up @foolip's suggestion in #81: 'firing' and other literatures.

miguelao has just merged miguelao's pull request 83 for 

== Follow-up @foolip's suggestion in #81: 'firing' and other 
literatures. ==
- Made a section for the explicit definition of what
 'Firing a dataavailable event' means and use it elsewhere.
- Linking 'fire' keyword to DOMSpec's concept-event-fire
- Cleaned up references to 'state' and the enumeration entries.
- Reflowed some sequential entries into lists.
- Removed MediaRecorder.css (unneeded)

General reflow caused by adding href's

See https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-record/pull/83

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2016 22:54:16 UTC