Should we enable pre-view images for gUM?

Back in the fall of 2014 Martin proposed a way to enable, without asking 
for user consent to use cameras, the application to present a still 
image of what every camera the UA can access views [1].

The proposal did not get much traction back then. However, a recent 
Issue [2] points out that the introduction of 
navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices may have changed the situation a 

In essence, [2] points out that if the user allows an app to use a 
camera but later (in many situation probably more or less immediately) 
realizes it was the wrong camera and wants to change, the user would 
have to go through a second permission prompt (at least for some UAs).

[1] in combination with navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices would 
improve the situation by allowing the app to present images showing the 
view of all cameras, thus allowing the user to select the right camera 

The question to the TF is: given the changed situation, should we 
reconsider, and add [1] to mediacapture-main?


PS Other thoughts/ideas on how to address the issue described in [2] are 
of course also welcome


Received on Thursday, 21 January 2016 08:16:50 UTC