[mediacapture-image] ```grabFrame()``` should probably not use or refer to ```photoSettings```

miguelao has just created a new issue for 

== ```grabFrame()``` should probably not use or refer to 
```photoSettings``` ==
Method ```grabFrame()``` is described [1] as:
>  [...] The method of doing this will depend on the underlying 
device. Devices may temporarily stop streaming data, reconfigure 
themselves with the appropriate photo settings (which may be a subset 
of the settings provided in photoCapabilities), take the photo (and 
convert to an ImageBitmap object), and then resume streaming.

where the ```takePhoto()``` description nearby [2] is:
> [...] The method of doing this will depend on the underlying device.
 Devices may temporarily stop streaming data, reconfigure themselves 
with the appropriate photo settings, take the photo, and then resume 

The ```grabFrame``` description of the underlying device being 
reconfigured is misleading and cites a function parameter (the 
```photo settings```) which is not present.

Consider making explicit that ```grabFrame()``` should simply grab the
 VideoFrame verbatim from the MediaStreamVideoTrack; this is hinted by
 the comment ```The width and height of the ImageBitmap object are 
derived from the constraints of the MediaStreamTrack. ```. 


Please view or discuss this issue at 
https://github.com/w3c/mediacapture-image/issues/16 using your GitHub 

Received on Wednesday, 13 April 2016 00:42:36 UTC