MediaStream Recording Error Event spec: help!

If you don't use MediaStream Recording, you can stop reading now :)

I filed in the hope we
can concentrate there the discussion about the cleanup of the Error Event
in MediaStream Recording spec. I feel like I'm not knowledgeable about
which option is best, and I'm not sure the appropriate folks will get
pinged from GitHub, so please take a look and vote or propose a better
option. Basically:
- we don't like the current MediaRecorderErrorEvent
because is an unnecessary extension to the Event abstraction.
- Philip proposed the least amount of code solution: firing a simple Error
Event and leaving the error detail in a DOMException in MediaRecorder
class. (But that' implies changes to Gecko).
- Blink implements the Spec as-is, but I'm happy to change it (and the
implementation is still in Experimental).
- from my lack of high level knowledge, I see that CustomEvent
<> would also fit the


Miguel Casas-Sanchez | Gatopardo del Software | ydog <> / | +1 (650) 603 1380

Received on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 10:35:41 UTC