Decision tree to be traversed at Thursday's telechat

On Thursday's telechat, we'll be going through the advantages and
disadvantages of the proposals on the table, and thereafter, we have to
make some decisions.

In order to guide our decision-making, I've prepared a decision tree;
once it comes time to call the question, we're likely to start at the
top and try to make a call on each question until we reach an "end of
story" marker.

I hope this helps people to prepare their thinking.

Harald, for the chairs
Decision tree for Promises in MediaCapture:

Level 1: Do we want a getUserMedia-like function that returns a Promise,
and has no callbacks?
- If yes: 2
- If no: End of story

Level 2: Do we want this to be added in the version we send out for Last
- If yes: 3
- If no: Mark bug for LATER, end of story

Level 3: Do we want to have backwards compatibility with existing
getUserMedia code?
. Both mechanisms need to be specified in the document: Go to 4
- No, browsers can take care of it without a formal specification: Go to 5

Level 4: What mechanism do we need to specify for backwards compatibility?
- Overloading of getUserMedia to accept either callbacks or no callbacks
- Having navigator.getUserMedia different from
- Naming the new function promiseUserMedia, keeping the old one
Assign task of writing up chosen proposal, go to 5.

Level 5: Is the current pull request complete for adding the
promise-based API?
- Yes: Accept pull request. Done.
- No: Assign the task of revising the text.

Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2014 07:59:00 UTC