- From: Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no>
- Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 09:58:28 +0200
- To: "public-media-capture@w3.org" <public-media-capture@w3.org>
On Thursday's telechat, we'll be going through the advantages and disadvantages of the proposals on the table, and thereafter, we have to make some decisions. In order to guide our decision-making, I've prepared a decision tree; once it comes time to call the question, we're likely to start at the top and try to make a call on each question until we reach an "end of story" marker. I hope this helps people to prepare their thinking. Harald, for the chairs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decision tree for Promises in MediaCapture: Level 1: Do we want a getUserMedia-like function that returns a Promise, and has no callbacks? - If yes: 2 - If no: End of story Level 2: Do we want this to be added in the version we send out for Last Call? - If yes: 3 - If no: Mark bug for LATER, end of story Level 3: Do we want to have backwards compatibility with existing getUserMedia code? . Both mechanisms need to be specified in the document: Go to 4 - No, browsers can take care of it without a formal specification: Go to 5 Level 4: What mechanism do we need to specify for backwards compatibility? - Overloading of getUserMedia to accept either callbacks or no callbacks - Having navigator.getUserMedia different from navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia - Naming the new function promiseUserMedia, keeping the old one Assign task of writing up chosen proposal, go to 5. Level 5: Is the current pull request complete for adding the promise-based API? - Yes: Accept pull request. Done. - No: Assign the task of revising the text. -- Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.
Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2014 07:59:00 UTC