Re: Promises (Re: New Editor's Draft of MediaStream Image Capture)

On 9/10/14 10:35 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
> I'd encourage Jan-Ivar to actually produce a complete list of changes
> though, so we can assess the impact.  Maybe even a pull request.

Here's the cold-turkey webidl akin to what Giri had (I don't think we 
need to spec the transition API):

interface MediaDevices : EventTarget {
     attribute EventHandler ondevicechange;
     Promise<sequence<MediaDeviceInfo>> enumerateDevices (); // can fail 

partial interface NavigatorUserMedia {
     Promise<MediaStream> getUserMedia (MediaStreamConstraints constraints);

partial interface MediaDevices {
     static MediaStreamConstraintSet getSupportedConstraints (DOMString 
     Promise<MediaStream> getUserMedia (MediaStreamConstraints constraints);

interface ConstrainablePattern {
MediaStreamConstraintSet  getCapabilities ();
MediaStreamConstraints    getConstraints ();
MediaStreamConstraintSet  getSettings ();
     Promise<void> applyConstraints (MediaStreamConstraints constraints);
     attribute EventHandler onoverconstrained;

I'll work on a pull request.

.: Jan-Ivar :.

Received on Thursday, 11 September 2014 07:52:15 UTC