Re: [Bug 22337] When does the light come on?

On 27 March 2014 09:12, Jan-Ivar Bruaroey <> wrote:
> Martin, I'm confused about the subject here. Are you talking about the UA
> controlling when the hardware LIGHT comes on, or are you talking about other
> virtual on-screen indicators?

I don't think that it matters much at this point.  There seems to be
sufficient confusion about both indicators.

To a large extent, this is an implementation concern, but it's
important enough that we need some guidance in the spec.  I was
somewhat hoping that someone (perhaps yourself) would sit down and map
it out, then make a proposal.

If you want to reduce it down, there seem to be three states:

1. not capturing
2. potentially capturing
3. capturing

Where 2 is further divided into
2a. a site with a handle to a source that is not currently going
anywhere or is disabled somehow
2b. a site that has persistent permissions

I'll leave the proposal part to someone else.

Received on Thursday, 27 March 2014 17:21:47 UTC