On 3/24/14 12:46 PM, Martin Thomson wrote:
> Rolling back up the thread a little...
> On 24 March 2014 07:31, Mandyam, Giridhar <mandyam@quicinc.com> wrote:
>> For instance, say that getNativeSettings() returns {“frame rate”: 30.0, …}.
>> However, a MediaStream was successfully created with {“mandatory”:{“frame
>> rate”: 60.0} …}. Then the developer could have an indication as to whether
>> the UA is applying post-processing in trying to meet the mandatory
>> constraint, and may choose to adjust the constraint back to 30 fps to avoid
>> any UA-introduced processing delay.
Thanks for going back to the original use-case, as I spot the pilot
error now:
Don't disallow 30Hz when you're clearly willing to work with it!
Stop overly constraining the UA and it will pick the fast and natural
resolution for you.
> I recall that on numerous occasions we have had discussions where
> everyone violently agrees that no information should be constructed to
> meet a constraint. That means no interpolation to increase frame rate
> or resolution and probably a few other things I'm to fried to think of
> right now.
Except for echoCancelation (sorry I just happened to be working on it).
I believe it is up to the UA to implement that constraint, and it may
use hardware or OS if available.
I suppose one could use getNativeSettings() to discover whether AEC is
accomplished with software or hardware, but you could hopefully learn
the same from getCapabilities() or getNativeCapabilities(). In any case,
what would one do with this engine-poking? Not run?
Spec Q: What should echoCancelation return for getCapabilities()?
Hardware or UA?
.: Jan-Ivar :.